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NoteTab supports HTML Tidy - a free utility that cleans HTML code and fixes errors. Once it is installed, you can invoke it through the "Tools|Tidy HTML Code" menu command. HTML Tidy accepts a variety of switches to control the way it processes HTML tags. NoteTab will try to determine the best switches based on the active document type and the HTML Tag option settings. If you want more control over the settings, you can create a configuration file for Tidy, which you should save in the NoteTab folder with the name Tidy.cfg (see the HTML Tidy instructions for details). You can learn more about HTML Tidy and download the latest version by visiting the following Web page:  

The easiest setup is to copy the Tidy program to the NoteTab folder (rename the file to Tidy.exe if necessary), but you may place it anywhere else if you prefer.